Tag: online marketing tips

Web Hosting Coupons & Other Small Business Website Tips

Web Hosting Coupons & Other Small Business Website Tips

Running a small business isn’t easy. You often end up taking on most or all of the roles within the company, including that of webmaster. Here are some of our top tips on how to get the most of the website for your small business, as it is one of the most powerful marketing tools that you have.

Save Money on your Website with Promo Codes For Everything

You can save money by using promo codes for nearly everything under the sun. There are so many great deals out there for new customers especially, check out one of our favourite websites for coupons for education & learning – discountdoggo.co.uk. As a small business or startup saving even a few dollars is important, so shop around for the best offer! Most hosts will even throw in a free year of domain registration when you sign up for a new hosting account.

Online Marketing

Online marketing requires you to reach out and draw visitors to your website. You can do that through search engine optimization (SEO), linking, content, customer input, and regular updates. Done correctly, it can help you make your business website appealing to search engines and findable by visitors.

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Design Your Website with SEO in Mind

Along with an attractive, responsive, engaging, and easy to use website, you need to optimize your business website for SEO. You can do this, by asking:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • Why are they searching?
  • What search terms or keywords do they use?

Determine the answers to these three questions and you’ll have the jump off point for your website. From there you’ll be able to create a website that is easy to find by visitors and search engine alike. There is a lot of good information on how to do keyword research,

Use Relevant Links to Grow Your Audience

One of the best ways to increase traffic to your small business website is to make it the go-to place for information related to your industry or field. You can do this by encouraging others to link to your content.

Start by looking for established websites that offer quality content and create a link. This will encourage the owner to reciprocate. Additionally, link internally by connecting to pages within your own business website and blog. Finally, offer to guest blog and be sure to create a link back to your own website.

Regularly Generate Fresh Content

Just because you’ve created a great website doesn’t mean it should sit stagnate. Maintain a current blog, add new pages with limited-time offers or contests, or update your service and product offerings.

Don’t forget to link your social media pages to your website to help keep content fresh and right at hand. You may even want to consider streaming regular social media updates on your website to show off your updates in an easy to find and organized manner.

Seek Out Customer Input

One of the best ways to build credibility with potential or new customers is through feedback from current customers. Create a space for comments, reviews, feedback, and testimonials and encourage visitors to connect with you and participate via social media.

Don’t stop there. Positive feedback helps boost your cred with search engines. Reviews on external review websites can help as well. Sign up with sites such as Yelp or those specific to your business such HealthGrades.com for medical personnel or RetailReviews.net for retailing.

Update Your Website Regularly

In addition to updating content, be sure to update the look and functionality of your small business website on a regular basis. Errors happen, especially as you add new pages or improve mobility.

Conduct a quarterly site check-up and notice whether your pages load too slowly, images continue to add value, or your address and phone number are readily visible. Often the simple things detract from the viewing pleasure of your visitors.

Creating the right online business presence and building your online reputation via your website and social media can make or break your small business. Utilize these five online marketing tips to ensure you retain current and future customers.